Let's talk about nebulization
How is the aerosol produced? What is the physical principle? Which diseases are the target of the nebulization? DTF medical accompanies you on all these questions.
The benefits of nebulization:
Treating the respiratory tract with aerosoltherapy favours the local action of a drug and reduces systemic side effects. The aerosol, a gaseous suspension of fine particles in air, helps to better target the anatomical areas concerned by in situ delivery of a larger quantity of the drug.
All kinds of patients can benefit from aerosoltherapy.
The most known diseases treated by nebulization:
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD
- Asthma
- Cystic fibrosis
It is generally indicated for the treatment of pulmonary infections as well as for the treatment of chronic sinus infections and seromucous otitis.
How is the aerosol produced?
Technical diagram of an Atomisor® nebulizer
- Via a compressor: Pneumatic PURENEB® (classic or sonic), nebulizes all medications
- Via a quartz: Ultrasonic PURENEB®, high output for humidification
How is the aerosol diffused?
- In the inhaled air: classic PURENEB®, it penetrates in the bronchi and lungs
- Via sound at 100 Hertz: sonic PURENEB® , it penetrates in the maxillary sinuses
- Via high pressure: manosonic PURENEB®, it penetrates in the Eustachian tubes